American Rescue Workers, Blair County
Loving God by Serving Others
The American Rescue Workers (ARW) is a church that operates a Christian nonprofit ministry that services low-income families in its community.
The ARW headquarters is located in Williamsport, PA. This national church organization was founded in 1884 and has three branches in PA and MD, including the Blair County branch, located at 502 Mulberry Street in Hollidaysburg.
The Blair County branch has two locations:
Our mailing address is 502 Mulberry Street in Hollidaysburg.
Our food pantry location is 811 Scotch Valley Road in Hollidaysburg.
811 Scotch Valley Road Location 502 Mulberry Street Location
Our food pantry is located at 811 Scotch Valley Road in Hollidaysburg. We serve around 175 families each month, equate about 10 families per day. We also assist 14 other food pantries in the area. The ARW food pantry serves families living in Hollidaysburg, Duncansville, Martinsburg, East Freedom, Roaring Spring, Newry, and Williamsburg. Those not in our serving area are referred to other pantries when available.
This May, 2024, the LaVallas are retiring and Chris Fuska will be assuming all leadership responsibilities as he serves as Pastor, Director and Administrator of the American Rescue Workers in Hollidaysburg.
Chris and his family will be relocating from Johnstown into the 502 Mulberry Street location in June. We are excited to see where God leads Chris and the ARW next!
Last year, 2023, The Central PA Food Bank purchased the 811 Scotch Valley Road building and property, and allowed the ARW to remain in the building doing its services.
This Summer, 2024, the Central PA Food Bank will be making some renovations to the building so we will making some adjustments along the way to accommodate the construction. Please watch our Facebook page at ARW Blair County for the most recent updates.
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matthew 25: 35-36.
The American Rescue Workers spreads the love and ministry of Jesus Christ through our service. God commands us to love our neighbor as ourselves and we follow this scripture as our model for how to help others - loving each one into God's Kingdom, one soul at a time.
We are loving God by serving others.